Thursday, March 4, 2010

Project 2

To start I first opened up FPC and picked a rock loop that I liked. I moved this loop into the piano roll and modified it very slightly, because I already was a fan of the original loop. I then went into the slayer feature and found a slap bass sound that I liked. (I decided to choose a slap bass sound because I did not want a soft sound) I then opened it up in the piano roll and used the chop tool. Next I used the slayer once again and selected the Dire Straits Preset. I used the chop tool in the piano roll once again to create my guitar loop. I chose to chop it this way because I liked the fast speed of the guitar.

I changed to pitch's of both the guitar and bass loops by transposing them in the piano roll. I started it out with drums first followed by the bass and the main guitar sound. For the main section of the song I used 8 measure sections. I also used a snare drum roll a few times to break up each section. I used the piano roll and the chop tool to create the drum rolls. Next I included a break in my song with a synthesizer loop created from the bass sim synth channel. I thought this broke it up well and changed the feeling in the middle of the song. I chose to end the song by repeating the main section and fading it out at the end. I made the entire song from FPC, slayer and the sim synth channels.


  1. Hey Nick,
    Great Job!!! That bass was awsome will everything was awsome Good Job!!!

  2. I love the use of the drum roll, and your drums in general sounded very strong. Your bass could come up in the mix more. I liked the synth section in the middle and the return to the main theme at the end. Well done.

  3. Nick, I like your drumroll throughout the whole piece. However, around the 35 second mark i wasn't so sure why you went with the fast techno like noise. Around the 50 second mark i liked how you had sort of a pause and then the rattle noise before returning to your original FPC beat from the begining. Overall i liked it in some parts more then others. Nice Job.
